Delicate Tranquility

Delicate Tranquility

Wait. What day is it?

Wow! How time flies when you’re having fun or in the middle of a pandemic. Who says we can’t be doing both simultaneously? I don’t believe they are mutually exclusive. 😊

It has been almost a month since the last post, and I cannot believe it is now officially the first day of Fall! I am over the moon excited because, well, today marks the start of all things warm.

Hot beverages, soups, stews, and all those nourishingly divine foods that are so loved get to make their triumphant reappearance. I’ll stop there before I get all nutrition consult-y on you.

Back to all things warm – sweaters, jackets, scarves, and those awkward days when you don’t know if the AC or heater should be on, they are some of my favorite things. If you live in Texas, you will undoubtedly have a few days when you use both the AC and heater. Is that only a Texas thing? Any non-Texas residents experience such moody weather this time of year?

So... how are you? What’s going on for you on this idyllic fall day?

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I have had a hot beverage (or two 😉), and am sitting at my glass desk enjoying the rather dreary view across the plains. The little changes in elevation provide just enough height to draw my eyes up to the clouds that seem to be kissing the treetops as they mosey by.

Everything is damp, overcast, and still as can be. All of our farm animals are enjoying the reprieve from the summer heat. There is a delicate tranquility that has swept the plains with dew and refreshment. Something I believe all of our souls need at this moment in time.

It is by no mistake that we are entering into a season of harvest and rest. During the first stages of the pandemic, and the progression into summer, various mantles were laid upon many of us.

We were instructed to work the field the Lord had laid before us. This seems odd to say because so many of us were home from work, unable to plow our usual fields.

It was as if the Lord instituted a rest for all of the overworked fields. Fields that had not been allowed to have their Sabbath. He then took us each by the hand to the back 40, that neglected land that could use some plowing.

Did any of you have neglected land that needed revitalization? A relationship that needed a good watering, a business that needed some revamping, or maybe the Lord wanted you to spend some time sitting with Him.

This summer has seen lots of labor, tears, and moments of exhaustion, but God’s grace is sufficient. He may have laid a massive field before us, but He gave us the tools and the energy to get through the tasks ahead.

As a woman travails in labor before the birth of her child, those moments of intense work, pain, and striving are inevitably eclipsed by the blessing that is then laid upon her chest as she reclines in rest.

It’s time for us to take what He has birthed in us during this time of transition and labor, and enjoy the fun that comes with a new life.

Yes, the baby needs attention and care, as do the assignments the Lord has placed before you, but the pushing is done. Now, all the sweet baby giggles start. You’ll get to see that blessing begin to mature and begin to bear fruit.

The Lord has taken this summer and used it to accelerate many of our stories into the next chapter.

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Maybe your head felt as if it was spinning so fast you were afraid you might lose balance. I know I was close at times, but He steadied me. You and I are still standing, and guess what?

The Lord gave us the plow, He gave us the seed, He gave us the rain, and now He’s here to urge us to prepare the storehouses for the harvest.

He is faithful, His supply never ends, and He has predestined all of these seasons and seasonal changes as signs that point to Him and His goodness.

He is ready for us to collect the harvest and rest as we use this time of delicate tranquility to listen for His whisper and direction.

Lean back, hold those blessings tight against your chest and get ready to see them mature into more than you could have ever anticipated.

Lord, we pray our hearts will be open and obedient to your leading. May the beginning of Fall always be a reminder for us to fall into your arms. You hold us and bring us rest. You are worthy of all praise. Let us fall for You again and again that our labor not be in vain, but be used for Your glory. Amen!


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