Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Allow Me to Introduce Myself


Introduce Myself? YOU Introduce Yourself. I mean it. I’m about to spill all the beans, and you aren’t allowed to get away scot-free, so please comment below and introduce yourself. Tell me how you found the blog, where you are from, and anything else you want to share. My greatest hope is that you will share how you have seen God’s redemption in your life and offer up some praise to His goodness!

Anyways, back to it… Welcome to The Desk of Redemption! I’m Amanda-Jo. You will typically hear me refer to myself as AJ. There is no reason for this other than Amanda-Jo Wilt is a mouthful to say when introducing oneself. Plus, people probably think I am sharing my entire name with them whenever I say that, but I’m not. Amanda-Jo is actually my first name. Call me Amanda-Jo or AJ; the choice is yours. I’ll respond to both. 😊

Many of you are probably here because you read my book, The Glass Desk. What’s with all the desk talk? Desk this, desk that. How can a desk be made of redemption? Well, the book spells it out pretty well, so if you can’t answer that question, then I urge you to take a read and have a seat at your glass desk.

The book, this blog, my desk, is all the result of wanting to shout from the rooftops about the redemptive grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Except I live in the country, and if I yell from my roof, not very many people will hear me. I want this blog to be a place where story after story of His redemption can reach out and encourage us in our walks.

I hear so many testimonies and stories and feel they need to be heard. I hope that this blog will be a well of encouragement for each of us and a sounding board of praise to His glory!

I want to share about His goodness in my life and yours. I want to share the revelation we receive from the Holy Spirit and allow these posts to be a light in a world that is so dark.

I have a goofy sense of humor, I struggle at beating around the bush, and tend to say exactly what I am thinking. I’m sure you picked that up in the opening paragraph. It’s all in love! I tease a bit, but all in good fun as I attempt to dissect this thing we call life. I like to unpack it with some humor from time to time, so if something sounds as if it’s being said a little “tongue-in-cheek,” then it probably is. 😉

Who is AJ? Umm… well, you can visit or read The Glass Desk if you are interested in my professional “about me,” but I plan to keep it easy here at the blog.

With that said, I am a Texas girl who loves Jesus and lives a simple life. I’m married to a wonderful man named Kyle. Ballcaps, sweaters, and hot beverages bring me joy, and I consider mascara and lip-gloss a full face of makeup. My pond and my glass desk are my happy places. I love to overuse my Bitmoji when sending any sort of message, and if I could spend time each day writing and riding bicycles, then I would probably burst at the seams with joy. Like I said, simple life, lol.

I have lots of sweet farm animals and tend to talk to them as if they are human. What can I say? It’s the life I live. The top-dogs on the property are Prince William, our oldest male Nubian goat, Little Kyle our tiny, but mighty rooster, and Bootsie, our beautiful, sweet, and sometimes sassy barn cat.

Now it’s your turn! Share something quirky or profound. It’s up to you! I hope you will each allow this blog to become a great facilitator of hope and encouragement. That a community of Kingdom-minded family would develop as we cheer one another on during the triumphs and trials we face on this side of heaven.

Excuse Me... Where Are Your Socials?

Excuse Me... Where Are Your Socials?