Excuse Me... Where Are Your Socials?
Where are my socials? Well, let me tell ya. 😊
Not having social media accounts for The Desk of Redemption or Redeemed Image is all done out of my desire to cultivate an intentional relationship with my clients and readers. I want there to be a narrative between you and me that reaches beyond “likes” and “shares.” When I sit and write, it takes time, focus, and effort. I am putting myself on display, and the world of socials is not conducive to the environment I hope to cultivate here at this blog. Relationship does not exist in a world of scrolling. Relationship requires dialog, safety, and trust in order to grow.
Relationship requires dialog, safety, and trust in order to grow.
Not only is this blog a safe place for me, but it is a safe place for you as we walk out the joys and struggles of this life. Knowing that you will be able to engage with other Kingdom-minded individuals is so very important. This is not to knock social media. I do have a few incredibly neglected personal accounts, and I know that social media has been a boon of a blessing during the Covid-19 mess.
There are lovely ministries that are reaching, educating, and winning souls for the Kingdom with social media functioning as their primary point of contact. These ministries are a blessing to many. Social media ministry is not my calling, but maybe it is yours! Of course, I would love those of you who are on social media to share these posts and share about The Glass Desk, but I want it to be out of a genuine conviction that you believe the words spoken will be a light in this dark world. That you will use the posts as a way to facilitate discussions about Christ’s redemption and grace in whichever social media sphere in which you participate.
I am well aware that all the business-minded individuals would be more than happy to expound on the importance of social media in today’s blogosphere. I understand it. I really do. I’m just not interested in entertaining it. 😉 I know the entire point of blogging in today’s environment is to find ways to monetize your webpage. Honestly, it drives me nuts. I have stopped reading many a blog post, not because the content was lacking, but because of ads and the overwhelming noise surrounding the message. I hope that when you visit this site, it allows your mind to rest. I want this blog to be a place of peaceful rest, time with the Lord, and self-reflection.
I want this blog to be a place of peaceful rest, time with the Lord, and self-reflection.
Sincerely, if I could, I would handwrite you each a message and even decorate the stationery with beautiful stamps and embossing. Then, I would mail it to your home, adorned in a handmade envelope. Side note, I should have included stationery in my introduction post. I love stationery and making stationery. Anyways, It may seem archaic in today’s world of instant communication, but email is where it’s at for me. It’s the next best thing after a good ol’fashioned letter. Emails allow for more discourse and engagement. The responses may not be near as quick as we have grown accustomed to nowadays, but there is an endearing quality to the length and time an email response can take.
When I sit down and write a post, there is an investment for each of us. I have chosen to share my heart, and the impressions I have received from the Lord, and you have chosen to participate with me in an ongoing interchange. Each email sent from this website is one that can be replied to, and although responses may take longer than an instant message, be encouraged that what you have to say matters, and I want to invest my time in hearing you and pointing you to Jesus.
My greatest hope is that you will each give and find edification in the comments on this blog as we all continually shift our focus towards His redemption and grace.